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We are officially in Summertime in the Northern Hemisphere now after the beautiful + powerful Summer Solstice along with the Full Moon in Capricorn. As a reheart, on June 21st, 2024 we began a 30 day window which will culminate on July 21st, 2024 of a severing, purging and disconnection from the old operating system of the mind and all of the illusionary systems and structures. This is occurring due to the double Full Moons in Capricorn at the 1st and 29th degree, which is allowing this severing to occur. The month of June brought so many integrations, changes and a much needed shake up in our lives to show us where we were no longer resonating and what was no longer working for us. During Gemini Season we experimented and tried new things, new experiences, and new perspectives. This opened up a lot of new insight as to, “what do you wish to create and experience next?”


Since the Summer Solstice, we have entered Cancer season. This Cancer Season is the first in 15 years where we will not be experiencing an opposition from Pluto in Capricorn. This Cancer Season, which will span most of July, is a time to truly come back to the heart and focus on what is most meaningful to us. Our soul family, friends, self-care for our bodies and home, etc. We are re-focusing on what we truly want to create moving forward, and giving ourselves the time of rest, peace, and integration. Last month we activated and integrated our Light Bodies, and we are now exploring the new way in which we are going to create balance and harmony in our lives. This is the Summer of Love and we are immersing ourselves completely in whatever the heart is calling for. 


July will be a very interesting month both energetically and astrologically. We will be immersed in Cancer Season which will be very different than our past years. We are truly reconnecting to our heart and full feeling. We will also be inside the 30 day window of severing from the old until July 21st. The first week of July, we will be under both a Saturn and Neptune retrograde in Pisces-an intense inner reckoning as well being forced to face the question of whether or not we are truly following our dreams, intuitions and knowings. Humanity will be faced with the reality of what separation and duality does to the collective consciousness. We will likely see many water-related events during these retrogrades, as Pisces rules the Oceans and all bodies of water.


On July 2nd, Mercury will also enter the sign of Leo and we will be brought a fresh wave of optimism and the urge to express ourselves! Our focus will be shifting back onto ourselves as we must first embody self-love before giving love to others. This is the first phase of our Summer of Love kicking off. 


On July 5th, we will have a beautiful New Moon in Cancer at 14 degrees. This is setting us up for a totally new timeline wit the archetype of Cancer-the Divine Mother. Many of us will be healing all mother wounds, as well as wounds around being able to nurturing and care for ourselves. This will be all about holding deep compassion for ourselves and others, while also taking full accountability for what we seek to create moving forward. We can no longer enable that which we do not want to experience. All first wavers are moving into the next phase of the Light Body integration now-which is embodying the Divine Mother and Father templates. Since the North Node moved into Aries last summer, and the South Node moved into Libra, we have had a whole year of anchoring in the divine masculine/feminine templates. Restoring our balanced harmonics and shifting the masculine/feminine relationships on the planet. Since then, we have seen a rise in the divine feminine, setting more boundaries and holding higher levels of energetic and physical respect for themselves, and in turn, this has sparked the divine masculine on the planet to rise in their embodiment as well. Now, we are moving forward into anchoring in the Divine Mother and Father templates, the original blueprints of Creation. This New Moon in Cancer will square the North and South Node in Aries/Libra, creating a bit of pressure cooker for these archetypes to embody. 


On 7/7 we will pass through portal and this is one of the most powerful portals of the year. Between 7/7 and the 8/8 Lionsgate, we undergo the passageway of fire. We are purified and cleansed through the cosmic fires between July-August, we we burn away all is keeping us weighed down and disconnected from our souls. On 7/11, another big cosmic date, Venus will enter the sign of Leo and our Summer of Love will be in full swing! This will begin a week transit the blueprints of unconditional love and divine unions will be big. However, both Mercury and Venus will be in opposition to Pluto in Aquarius, which will be ensuring that we do not confuse love and self-love with vanity, validation, enabling or arrogance. All of the EGO programmings and conditionings around LOVE will be dissolving.


The following week, on July 20th, Mars will enter Gemini and come into a conjunction with Jupiter. This is going to bring us some fast paced, fun and exciting energy for the second half of July. We will be embracing the love and light energies as we seek to gather, socialize, connect and share love with others. The following day, July 21st, we will close out our 30 day cycle of severing from the old, and officially let go of the outdated beliefs, ways of being, patterns and behaviors that have been limiting us for the past 15 years. It is time to truly step into the template and embodiment of the Creator Being. 


On July 22nd, we will officially enter Leo Season and this is going to be a wild energy! With all planets in fire, plus Jupiter in Gemini and Pluto in Aquarius, we can anticipate there will be a lot of EGO meltdowns as well as some cosmic drama. This is all to stir up whatever needs to catalyze us in preparation to take the leap of faith into the Lions Gate Portal. On July 25th, we will celebrate the Day out of Time, which every year represents a day in which we exit linear time and exist completely in the void space. This is a great day to dream, write, pray, meditate or do ceremonies for what you wish to create, be and experience post-Lion’s Gate. Mercury will also enter Virgo this day which is an interesting shift, as Virgo wants us to be precise about our dreams and manifestations…get detailed. The following day, we will celebrate the Galactic New Year on July 26th, as Chiron stations retrograde in Aries. We are celebrating the final release of all Victim Consciousness, and finally stepping into our God with God blueprint. 



Last month we did a clearing, activation and integration of the Light Bodies for all First Wavers. This was a very powerful Seminar and we have been integrating for the last two weeks. Each of our light bodies are unique in their operation and functions, but many are experiencing very similar things with their light bodies. Many have reported the following: 

-increased dreams

-changes in appetite/nutrition

-Lethargy and tiredness

-Increased senses such as smell and hearing 


This month, we are going to be hosting a Light Body Maintenance Seminar on the 7/7 Portal ! The Galactics are guiding that we will continue monthly maintenance of the Light Body until further notice. This month we will be discussing all updates that have come through from the Galactics regarding the maintenance and care of our light bodies as well as the integration of our new heart-based operating system. We will also be doing a live, guided meditation for the refreshing and renewing of the light bodies, and doing a small clearing for anything needing to be released. This seminar will be hosted under the 7/7 Portal so we will also be doing a big unity intention for activating the collective ! 


For those who participated in the Light Body Seminar, if you are guided to join the Light Body Maintenance please RSVP below. For those who did not participate in last months Light Body Activation Seminar, you can absolutely still join the maintenance Seminar and you may download the Light Body Activation Guide on our Library tab if you wish to do your activation and integration prior. 



As we are within this 30 day severing window until July 21st, and we are in the midst of continuing to integrate our light bodies and new operating system, the Galactics are guiding that we can now anchor in the Heaven Harmonics templates, which are essentially the new systems and structures of the New Earth in which our light bodies and operating system will be connected to. We can visualize these as the divine blueprints which will be the foundation of the New Earth and will support the co-creation of the New Earth as we move through the transition out of the old. 


Let us understand how these are all working together: 

The Light Body is the Human Vehicle in which we will now be embodying on Earth. We are moving out of the old human vehicle which was very limited and subject to pain, suffering, illness, disease, aging and death. The Light Body allows for full Source connection to flow through us, instant healing, and limitless capabilities. 


The New Operating System (the Quantum Operating System) is replacing the old EGO mind programming and is now a heart-based operating system. This fundamentally changes the way that we operate physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually within our Light Bodies. This operating system is also the new way of Being and Doing on this Earth, replacing the old mind way of doing and being. 


The Heaven Harmonics are like energetic or etheric grids, the foundational support for which New Earth will manifest onto. These blueprints carry the codes of function-how we all will function together as one Humanity, how our communities and family structures will function, and how our collectives and societies will function. These Harmonic Blueprints will replace all of the old codes of functioning in every facet of our world. 


By anchoring in these Heaven Harmonics, we will now be prepared to pass through the 8-8 Lionsgate Portal, where Heaven on Earth will begin to physically manifest, thus speeding up the transition of the collapse of the old and the birthing of the new. This Seminar will be conducted in 3 part: 


Part 1: Heaven Harmonics of Self (July 12th)

Part of this Seminar will be discussing how to anchor in the Heaven Harmonics within, which includes the balancing of the inner masculine and feminine energy, as well as harmonizing the inner and outer self. Each individual is a unique blueprint, and this will look different for each of us. We want to create balance within all things including: 

-Yin/yang balance and harmony 

-BEing and Doing balance 

-Spiritual/physical balance and harmony

-Forgiveness of any hatred for masculine/feminine energies 

-Self love protocols



Part 2: Heaven Harmonics of Relationships (July 13th)

Part 2 of this Seminar will be discussing how to anchor in the Heaven Harmonics within all of our relationships and dynamics in our lives. This includes partners, children, family, friends, co-workers, etc. We must change the way in which we view relationships, as well as to transform all lower forms of relationship dynamics that are not supported by the Heaven Harmonics. This will include:

-Transforming Control Dramas 

-Acceptance of others and all contracts 

-Transforming the lower masculine + feminine energies (dark feminine and masculine energies)

-Forgiveness of our mothers and fathers 

-Divine Union Templates


Part 3: Heaven Harmonizing of Environment (July 14th) 

The final part of this Seminar will discuss how to transform our environments, communities, and interactions with others in the new Heaven Harmonics. In order to lay the proper blueprints for the new societies, we must begin in our own personal environments and communities. This will include: 

-Cleansing + Right Action 

-Blessing our spaces and environments 

-Cleansing our lands + communities 

-Equal Energy Exchange Template

-Setting up Heaven Templates in our geographical area to create Bubbles of Heaven



For those who wish to join us in these Seminars please RSVP below


Love you all,




All Seminars will be recorded for those that cannot attend live. If you are guided to join these Seminars, please RSVP here: 

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