As we enter Phase 2 of the Harvest Portal, we embrace the numerology 9 energy of October. This is the final culmination point and the ending of a cycle. Phase 2 of this Harvest Portal is the receiving of the Harvest, the moment where we reap what we have sown. As I have shared before, there are two types of harvest: lessons and blessings. This month is ruled by Libra and Venus, as they represent these themes of “you get what you give.” Libra is symbolized by the scales of justice, exalted by the planet Saturn.
As the South Node has been transiting Libra for the last year and half, the scales have been undergoing a huge metamorphosis. The archetype of Libra had to shed all of its false personalities and traits that were never true to it. This included imbalance, submission, fakeness, people pleasing, self-sacrificing, and giving our power away. Last month, the Dark Moon, which represents the subconscious feminine energies, has also entered Libra. This archetype is currently rising to its true glory, and the rest of this month, its ruler Venus will be transiting Scorpio. Libra is the new Phoenix rising from the ashes.
Let us also remember that Saturn, who is exalted in Libra, is currently in Pisces. He is bringing karmic correction to the spiritual world, placing energetic boundaries, breaking illusions, and most importantly - breaking all dark magic. As we approach the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra on 10/2, the Moon and Sun will be conjunct the South Node, the Dark Moon, and Mercury in Libra. I see this Solar Eclipse as the equivalent of the Wheel of Fortune in the Tarot Deck. The tides are now turning and true justice is being restored. True justice is balance, receiving what you have given out, and reaping your harvest. This will be a pivotal turning point in the restoration of this planet to Universal Law.
This Moon will also be squaring Mars in Cancer, so whatever is brought to light and revealed in terms of justice, is going to cause a visceral reaction from the collective. We may see anger, grief, shame, etc., but we will also see compassion and deep empathy emerging. We will be called to begin fighting for LOVE, for what is right, and acting from our hearts rather than from our minds.
The following week, we have Jupiter beginning her retrograde in Gemini @ 21 Degrees, and she will begin approaching a direct square with Saturn in Pisces over the next few months. Jupiter retrograde will call for us to slow down and reflect on where we are expanding. This will be in the realm of our thoughts, information, projects, and people. We must now do some inner growth in these areas before we move forward. The next day, we celebrate the 10/10 Harvest Portal which will be the peak of our Harvest. This Portal is also seen as the embodiment portal, as we must embody the frequencies of that which we are ready to receive. On this portal day, Pluto will go direct @ 29 degrees Capricorn and this is a collective reckoning moments.
Since September 1st, we have had Pluto back at this degree, finalizing the collapse of all corrupted systems and structures. We began seeing more and more things come to light within global news. Pluto is like a hurricane, extremely powerful, slow moving, destructive, and cleansing. As Pluto was retrograde all of September, he was moving backward over past areas that had not been fully cleansed. He began churning up buried energy from the bottom of the oceans of consciousness. Now as he moves direct, he is moving full force straight into the eye of the Matrix and he has one goal: all that is in direct opposition to love and Humanity will be destroyed.
On October 13th, Mercury enters Scorpio and our mental focus will suddenly shift to deep transformation and a deeper look as to what is truly going on beneath the surface. We will likely continue to see more and more being revealed as all darkness comes to light. The veil begins to thin around this week, and will continue to drop as we approach the Full Moon in Aries on October 17th. This Full Moon in Aries at 24 degrees will be conjunct Chiron in Aries, urging us to have the ultimate release of all wounds around sovereignty, empowerment, and our knowing that we are God with God. This is powerful moment of healing for the Collective as we rise into our true power as Co-Creators. On the same day, Venus will enter Sagittarius, and we will be ready to soar to new heights. We are now longer playing small, we are shooting for the stars and remembering that we are here to play the game-and win.
Finally, the end of the month we celebrate Scorpio Season on October 22nd, and this will bring even more revelations of the darkest kind. Remember, this part of the process and we have been preparing for a long time to be able to hold space for this type of disclosure. We are transforming some of the deepest layers of darkness and we are doing this as a service to the whole. We are also fully calling back our Power and declaring we are no longer giving our power away to those that seek to control us. This is a very potent window as the veil will be non-existent, especially during Hallow’s Eve when we will have a New Moon in Scorpio. We have a new relationship to our shadows, and we immerse them fully in light.
Happy October Everyone ! We are in for one interesting ride