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New Moon in Leo + 8/8 Lions Gate: Opening the Portals of Light

New Moon in Leo + 8/8 Lions Gate: Opening the Portals of Light

By: Aurora


The New Moon in Leo will peak on August 4th at around 8 AM EST at 12 Degrees Leo. I have a really beautiful feeling with this New Moon, as we are in a very powerful window with the Solar Maximum Cycle. Since Leo is ruled by the Sun, we are having a huge activation of our Solar Plexus’ with this New Moon, as well as opening each of our hearts as the Portals of Light! 


As most of you know, we began our Light Body Activations in June and completed a 30 day severing cycle from the old system + EGO mind. This severing completed on July 21st, and since then we have experienced accelerated ascension symptoms which have felt like a DEEP purging of our cells from all toxins and parasitic frequencies. This clearing has been necessary as our Light Bodies stabilize more into physicality and we prepare to open our Portals of Light-our hearts. Imagine that all of the Lightworkers around the world have been quietly and intensely preparing behind the scenes for these moments-when all of our collective light would “turn on” and expose every last crevice of darkness until its dissolved. This has been a long time coming and we had to trust the process as each of us has walked ourselves blind, through the darkness and back into the light. We became sovereign beings. 


There are many reports currently going on regarding the intensity of this Solar Maximum cycle, which was set to peak in 2025, but is already peaking this year. We also have the Sun’s Poles flipping this year as they do every 11 years. The last time the Sun’s poles flipped was in November of 2013. The Earth’s poles are also shifting, along with other Galactic Waves coming into our Solar System. All of this coinciding is causing the Earth events as well as the chaos within the collective consciousness. Every great change is preceded by chaos, and that is what we will begin to see more and more of.

However, it is important for all of us to remember that the chaos, polarity and insanity playing out is a sign that we are fast approaching the transition to New Earth. We, as a Humanity are preparing to take a quantum leap together, and I personally feel this is coming in August, kicked off by this New Moon in Leo. Whenever we take a collective quantum leap (think 2012/2020), we go through very tumultuous times and energy, but come out the other side on a whole new octave. 


This New Moon in Leo is setting the stage for this collective timeline jump to take off during the 8/8 Lions Gate Portal. The Moon + Sun will be conjunct at 12 Degrees Leo, with Venus sitting at the critical 29th degree of Leo. During the New Moon, Venus at 29 Degrees forms a YOD with Neptune at 29 Degrees Pisces and Pluto at 0 Degrees Aquarius. A YOD represents the “Finger of God” or the “Finger of Fate”, and represents powerful catalysts that can change the whole trajectory of our journey. Pluto in Aquarius is ensuring that our EGO’s are no longer involved in our manifestations, dreams, through arrogance, pride or validation, but instead using our Light for the Greater Good. Neptune at 29 Degrees Neptune is asking us though to dream big, purely and completely. Ultimately, Venus is leading this YOD ensuring that we follow our heart at all costs, wherever it leads us. For most of us, we will be reconnecting to our deep divine desires, and to remember why we came down here in the first place. To remember the love we have for ourselves, Humanity and Creation. To remember our bravery, our brilliance, and to activate our Solar Plexus’ to the greatest capacity through self-love, worthiness and empowerment. Let us do what we came here to do family.


Also during this New Moon, Uranus at 26 Degrees Taurus will be in a tight square to Venus at 29 Degrees Leo, adding fuel to the fire of this YOD. Uranus in Taurus is shaking us loose of all final woundings around lack and abundance. The biggest psyop of all time was convincing Humanity that we had to beg and struggle for abundance. We are the abundance. It is our birthright and our natural state of being. We can no longer be held in the chains of the illusionary money system and its constraints. We are activating all abundance codes with this New Moon + also declaring our financial freedom from the Dark Ones. 


So much is going on with this New Moon it is hard to share in all of the energy, but one more important note is that right after the New Moon culminates, Venus will enter Virgo, shifting us immediately from our heart’s desires to being in service to love. This is a beautiful shift on the same day to reheart us that as we receive more and more blessings, and come into more of our own power, we have the responsibility and the compassion to assist others as well. We also will be putting a focus on our self-healing through our simple practices and grounding back with Momma Earth. The following day, Mercury will go retrograde in Virgo and head back into Leo-once again igniting our greatest dreams, passions, and desires for the next two weeks until the Full Moon in Aquarius.


The following are excerpts from the Book 360 Degrees of Your Star Destiny by Ellis Lonsdale on the degrees for this New Moon: 

12-13 Degrees Leo~”Then the actual portal of the New Earth is right here before us. Unlike the substitutes, this one gives no ego milage, never will make us a special person. Instead, it floods us, moving s along to join with everybody else in a bigger story than the one we told ourselves before. This unusual dimension allows us to breathe free of our own extraordinary nature. It turns out that the good we can do starts when we give it all a trace of self-conscious absorption in our own magnitude. The only way we’l hang in there through all the twists and turns is if we just know we are worth it, and this world is worth it too. 


You must now take all your gifts, everything you have worked so hard to achieve over may lifetimes, and you must sacrifice what you could draw from your own attainments so that these things will be released into the whole and freed from you, no longer yours in any way. This is one of those assignments too much for mortal flesh to bear. You are inside a chamber of spirit initiation. Every bit of your experience is part of it. The stakes are high. The tale here is epochal. You are asked to conquer your own weaknesses, to emerge victorious from you ancient battle with yourself, and to become at one with Christ Consciousness in every cell of your being.” 


This New Moon is also occurring in Gene Key 33, part of the Ring of Trials. The shadow of this Gene Key is Forgetting, and Richard Rudd shares, “The sanskaras are the specific memories that you carry from life to life according to the karma you have taken on in this lifetime. These are actually far more than simple memories-they are charges of kinetic energy stored in the sheaths of your consciousness. Since it is your memories that keep you in the state of forgetting, your greatest challenge in life is to see through your own illusion and thus slip through the net itself.” When we unlock these memories, and finally heal our wounded storyline, we enter the Gift of Mindfulness, which Richard Rudd describes as the total death of the EGO, meaning we are no longer creating negative karma by repeating the same patterns and lessons. The Siddhi is Revelation, and is described as “divine closure”. “Thus the great cosmic drama unfolds, and every individual through progressive revelations before arrives t the ultimate Revelation.


During this New Moon, we recommend doing a Ceremony and/or meditation to: 

~Activate your Inner Sun and connect it to the Solar Sun + the Galactic Sun 

~State all of your biggest and boldest dreams, desires, and passions 

~Commit to using your light for the highest good of all 

~EGO Death intention to ensure that our EGO is no longer blocks our Portals of Light 



On August 8th, under the 8/8 Portal, we will be hosting this month’s Light Body Maintenance Seminar. Our goal is for all First Wavers and those who are undergoing this Light Body Process ahead of the collective, to stabilize our light bodies at 90% which will allow the Light Body Activation as well as the severing process to begin for Second Wavers. 


During this Seminar, we will be discussing this month’s Light Body Maintenance Report with updates from the Galactics on our integration, as well as further guidance and recommendations for this month. This month is packed with Solar and Light energy so we want to make sure we are all able to stay grounded and integrate with ease. 


During this Seminar we will also be doing a live transmutation where we will be clearing and rejuvenating our light bodies, as well as activating 2 upgrades that the Galactics have green lighted for this month. The first upgrade is the cellular rejuvenation upgrade, flushing our cells with pure rainbow light and oxygen to allow for full rejuvenation and healing of any cellular damage due to toxins. The second upgrades will be the anti-aging upgrade, which will activate codes within our DNA that are already timed and instructed to help us with anti-aging protocols to reverse any damage. 


Finally, as a group, we will be activating our Portals of Light (our hearts) and setting the intention to connect all of our Portals as One, to the Sun + Galactic Sun, to assist in flooding our Planet with Rainbow Light frequencies. I personally feel that our Portals of Light are what will be the trigger for the Event or Flash that we have all felt coming. By doing this as a group, we will be catalyzing the quantum leap of the collective consciousness-with a goal to leap the consciousness by 3% globally. 


We are very excited for this month’s Light Body Maintenance, as we are in the 8th month of an 8 Universal year, so its all about our Divine Power and using it in unity to bring the shift we wish to see. Big manifestations are coming this month, and we are preparing our Light Bodies for the next level up! 


Thank you all so much for joining in this work and for leading the Ascension Process. For those that are guided to join this Maintenance Seminar, please RSVP below. All Seminars will be recorded for those that cannot attend live. 


For those who wish to join us in this Light Body Activation Seminar, please RSVP below


Love you all 




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