Happy September to our 5D Family! As we transition from some very challenging and intense energies of August, we approach the beginning of the Harvest Portal. August brought us a lot of ups and downs as we had to adjust and adapt to a whole new vibrational level after our quantum leap on 8/8. So much had to fall away and be triggered within our experience in order for us to begin letting go. We had to get very clear on where we wanted to move forward and what we wanted to leave behind. This clarity sparked a passion within us all to finally commit to our destinies.
September begins the Harvest Portal, which will last until the end of November. This Harvest Portal has 3 stages:
~September: Purification + Alignment Phase
~October: Receiving our Harvest
~November: The Givers Gathering
As we prepare to receive our Full Harvest in October and then are able to truly give from our hearts in November, we must first make space and make room for this incredible energy to come in. I know we all feel like we have been in a cycle of purging and letting go for years, but this final purification is bringing us the closure of the last 16 year cycle. Beginning September 1st, Pluto will re-enter the critical degree of Capricorn, and remain there until November 19th. This is the Karmic Closure we have been waiting for since 2008. As I have shared previously, wherever Pluto has been transiting in your personal chart, and where your personal Saturn placements lies, we are ending these karmic soul contracts, as they have been completed. We are now preparing to sign new soul contracts which we got the first vision of during August. Our new soul contracts no longer carry the karmic weight of the past, but are the Co-Creation Contracts with Source.
As we enter Phase 1 of the Harvest Portal, we are being called deeply into purification and alignment. The ending of our Karmic Contracts means that all karmic chords, karmic residue, and old energy must leave our body, consciousness and space. We have been preparing for this for many years, as we knew we could not release all of this energy at once. We are naturally being re-aligned as well within our personal geometry to our new Co-Creative Contracts. We can anticipate shifts and changes in our journeys and trajectories as our Destiny Contracts kick in.
We begin this month off with Pluto retrograding into the 29th degree of Capricorn, and Uranus going retrograde at 27 degrees Taurus. These two will immediately form a trine which is a very harmonious aspect that will open up the Harvest Portal, as both Taurus and Capricorn deal with harvesting our bounties. On September 2nd-3rd, we have a New Moon in Virgo @ 11 Degrees, the other Earth sign! Virgo is the earth goddess and she alchemizes everything down to its most natural and organic form. We are planting beautiful seeds during this New Moon, with so much Earth energy to fertilize it. This is setting us up for January 2025 when the South Node will move into Virgo, wiping away all shadow sides of this sign including over analyzation, worry, stress, disease, and self-sacrifice.
However, I do want to be very clear on how profound the energies of this month are for HEALING. I have never seen such astrological energy that is so directly asking us to get very serious about our physical, emotional, and spiritual healing as I have for this month. This New Moon in Virgo on 9/2 will be in Gene Key 40 which is one of the 7 Seals of Consciousness. The shadow of this Gene Key is Exhaustion, while the Siddhi is Divine Will. In many ways, divine intervention is coming into this New Moon, as Mother and Father God can no longer allow Humanity to be exhausting themselves into such suffering.
Some excerpts from the book, The Gene Keys by Richard Rudd:
“The malfunctioning of the 40th shadow is deeply connected to the conversion of food and liquid into energy through the medium of the stomach. Willpower used in the wrong direction becomes force, and even though it may still succeed in its endeavor, the results to the body will be catastrophic and irreversible. The 40th shadow is adept at denial, and its prime denial concerns feelings-people with this shadow often deny the fact that they have feelings, and it is this denial that ultimately leads to their downfall.”
This shadow has much to do with the exhaustion Humanity faces from being forced into this enslavement system, to be a cog in the wheel of greed, power and control. Both the slave and the slave drivers become stuck in this shadow-the constant hamster wheel that keeps spinning. To transform this shadow, we must acknowledge our feelings, and we must stop forcing energy against its natural flow. With Pluto + Uranus trine in the other two Earth Signs, we may very well see the final collapse of the current system to allow space for Humanity to finally heal.
As we heal this shadow of exhaustion, we enter the gift of Resolve. “Everything about the 40th Gift is about having boundaries, in and order to create boundaries, you have to be able to deny other people access to your energy. You have to be able to say no. The 40th Gift of Resolve is about becoming adept at giving to yourself. Ultimately, it is a deep physical relaxation.”
Richard Rudd also makes the distinction between relaxation and rest. He says that rest allows us to physically recharge, but true relaxation is what allows our subtle bodies to actually recharge and heal-aka our nervous system. The amount of discomfort, stress and turbulence we have faced in the last 16 years, we are now being asked to fully surrender to Divine Will and allow ourselves to finally heal from it all, for our nervous system to finally come to its natural state. Both this New Moon in Virgo and Full Moon eclipse in Pisces are ruling over the solar plexus and digestion system, so this will be a big area of focus for us this month.
Nervous system healing as well as detoxing and purging will also be the themes of our entire month, and we will be called to relaxation and spiritual healing as well. Remember that we have our first Eclipse in September, and eclipse season is always an intense closure and new beginning period. This month, we have a very unique eclipse season, as we are beginning to get the first sneak peak into our new eclipse cycles of Pisces + Virgo that will begin officially in January of 2025. When the nodes shift, the North Node in Pisces will be calling everyone home to the Light and to surrender to Source. Themes around spiritual and metaphysical healing will also be a focus. The South Node in Virgo will all for us to shed the old ways of healing (3D medical systems), and to let go of trying to logically figure anything out.
On September 17th, 2024, we will have our first Eclipse of this new axis with a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces at 25 Degrees. The energy and astrology of this Eclipse is very intense so I would like to forewarn everyone so that we can be prepared. This Full Moon will be conjunct Neptune, as she finishes her cycle through Pisces, bringing a very magical and mystical, but also prophetic feeling. Whatever happens during this Full Moon Eclipse is extremely fated, written in the stars, and is far beyond our control (thank god). Saturn in Pisces will be in direct opposition to Mercury in Virgo, making us surrender and embrace the fact that we do not know shit LOL. We have such a limited perception here as human beings, and whatever we ‘think” we know … we don’t. We must let it all go and allow the alignment of our soul’s geometry to take place, without trying to figure it out or control its direction. To top it off, Jupiter in Gemini will be squaring off with this Full Moon as well as Mercury in Virgo. I mean, the chaos of all of this makes me want to laugh and cry at the same time.
Finally, we will have Chiron, the wounded healer in a direct opposition to Venus in Libra. The deeply buried wounds between the masculine and feminine energies on this planet will come to a head. Ultimately, the masculine must forgive himself and embody the divine warrior energy, while the feminine must forgive the masculine and allow their own inner masculine to heal so that they too can become whole again. The North Node at 7 degrees Aries will also be in an exact square to Mars in Cancer, and again this relates to the masculine. The masculine must acknowledge and release all of the suppressed rage, denial, and emotions they have buried in their subtle bodies. Their suppression is killing them, and making them sick, and it must be released so that their true divine masculine essences can be embodied.
Days later on September 21st, we will celebrate the Fall Equinox and this is the “official” beginning of Fall. By this time, we are completing our detoxing, healing and alignment phase. We will celebrate this day as the day where all fragmentations of Self are now coming back into wholeness, and we are preparing now to step forward to receive our Harvest. By the 23rd, we will be in Libra Season and will be enjoying a new sense of magic and connections. Our relationships and abundance is all forms will be waiting patiently to roll in for us beginning October.
For those that joined our Destiny Activation Seminar last month, we discussed how to bring closure to the area of your chart that Pluto has been transiting for the last 16 years, as well as releasing your old Saturn contract in order to embrace your Destiny. We then activated our North and South Nodes of Destiny, and aligned to our new soul path.
For those that wish to have a personal reading of their Destiny Activation placements in your chart, I will be offering this service for a limited time during our Harvest Portal. All sessions are done by recording and sent to the recipient by the day of their booking. Each recipient may keep the copy of their reading for future use, and after watching and digesting it, we may do a live follow up to cover additional questions and clarity.
If you are guided to book a Destiny Activation Session, please book below.
Love you all,